At a glance Calendar Views
Multiple ways to view appointments. Rendezvous on the iPad supports 5 standard views for the utmost flexibility – day, week, month, and List. Instantly switch views to review appointments. Take a Quick Tour
Fast Appointment Creation
Just two taps and the appointment is made! How to Make an Appointment .
Swipes & Gestures
Rendezvous uses Tap, Tap and Hold, Swipe left and right, scroll, and double tap Gestures Explained
Double Book Appointments
With Rendezvous more than one appointment can be scheduled to overlap for those times when multiple Clients are being served.
Fast “Floating” Appointment rescheduling
Tapping on an appointment on the iPad version lifts it off the calendar. Then it can be moved to another time, or move the calendar itself to another day and time. Tap again on the appointment and it is dropped onto the new time.
Client List and Record Management
Included in Rendezvous is a client “address book” that stores clients names, phone, email address, and notes. Clients can be imported from Contacts or added manually - either way all historical appointment data and notes is archived and available at any time. Here all Client records may be viewed and edited. Client List Hints
Back up to iCloud
You can automatically back up your clients and appointments to iCloud. Turn on iCloud in Settings as well as in your iPad Settings . Go to iPad: Settings → iCloud → Documents & Data → Toggle Documents & Data to ON. This will back up Rendezvous when Wifi is available, or, if the iPad is cellular-capible and it is turned on.
Sync Between your iPad and iPhone
Rendezvous is a Universal App, and as such the app works on both. In order to sync Rendezvous data between the devices you will need an Internet connection, an iCloud account and be logged in to it. So, no worry about not having your appointment list will you if you have you iPhone.
Back up to iTunes
Plug your iPad into your computer (Mac or PC) and launch iTunes. Set iTunes to back up your iPad. Then, if, for some reason, you loose your data on your iPad, or you want to move to a new iPad you can restore all of your data from the iTunes backup.
Export Client and Appointment data
All of your Clients and their Appointment history can be exported in a standard file format (CSV) that can be read by Excel, Numbers, and other database apps.